EV, gasoline and hybrid ignition rate simulator


We created a simulator based on the firing rate of each powertrain.

It can be run indefinitely.

Ignition Simulator

Count: 0
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An American insurance website called AutoInsuranceEZ has data on the number of fires by powertrain. chatGPT seems to have referenced this.

Gas vs. Electric Car Fires in 2025 (Shocking Stats)| AutoinsuranceEZ.com
Gas vs. electric car fires comparison show insurance rates of 0/month for gas cars and 0/month for electric cars. ...

Code of thie Tool

    <button id="gachaButton" onclick="fireGacha()" style="font-size: 20px; padding: 10px;">発火ガチャをする</button>
    <div id="count" style="margin-top: 10px; font-size: 20px;">累積回数: 0</div>
    <div class="result" id="result" style="margin-top: 20px; font-size: 24px;"></div>

        let count = 0;
        function fireGacha() {
            document.getElementById("count").innerText = `累積回数: ${count}`;

            // ボタンを一時的に無効化
            const button = document.getElementById("gachaButton");
            button.disabled = true;
            setTimeout(() => { button.disabled = false; }, 500);
            // 発火率(確率%)
            const rates = {
                gasoline: 1.529,
                hybrid: 3.474,
                ev: 0.025

            // 抽選関数(指定確率で成功判定)
            function isFire(rate) {
                return Math.random() * 100 < rate;

            // 判定結果
            const resultGasoline = isFire(rates.gasoline) ? '🔥発火しました' : '✅燃えませんでした';
            const resultHybrid = isFire(rates.hybrid) ? '🔥発火しました' : '✅燃えませんでした';
            const resultEV = isFire(rates.ev) ? '🔥発火しました' : '✅燃えませんでした';

            // 結果を表示(アニメーション付き)
            const resultDiv = document.getElementById("result");
            resultDiv.innerHTML = `
                <p>ガソリン車: ${resultGasoline}</p>
                <p>ハイブリッド車: ${resultHybrid}</p>
                <p>EV車: ${resultEV}</p>
            resultDiv.style.animation = "none";
            void resultDiv.offsetWidth; // 強制的に再描画
            resultDiv.style.animation = "flash 0.3s ease-in-out";

        @keyframes flash {
            0% { opacity: 0.2; }
            100% { opacity: 1; }

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